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Strong Line for Strong Women

Enter for a chance to win this limited-edition line and a $25 gift card to cover your fishing license so you can reel in the life-changing benefits of fishing.

No purchase necessary to enter. See official rules.

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Find Your Best Self on the Water

When you cast off, you never know what you'll reel in. But research shows that the real catch doesn't have scales. You can't hold it or see it. But you can feel it. Women who fish have significantly greater grit, perseverance, and confidence than women who don't.

Women who fish are more likely to say…

Setbacks don't
discourage them.

Their health
is very good.

They can manage
long-term stress.

They can do anything
they set their mind to.

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There’s Something in the Water

When it comes to fishing, women can take home a lot more than fish. Female anglers are more patient, resilient and confident on and off the water. Learn more at takemefishing.org/find-your-best-self.

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